Leaked ashucosfree Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Leaked ashucosfree Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Been dealing with a lot lately and hate comments, people who.. – Been dealing with a lot lately and hate comments, people whom I thought were friends and grew to love being jerks to me with no reason, etc. I always try to respond with kindness or as much neutrality as I can because I’ve always thought that negativity only breeds more negativity. I try to be as strong as possible but sometimes it gets to me. I was told today that I’m “not a person” but “an object”. So here I am. A person, with pimples, messy hair, no makeup. Haven’t gotten out of bed yet. Haven’t showered, or eaten. Haven’t cleaned my room. I’m a little bit of a mess sometimes but I try. I have problems like everyone else. I have ADD and brain fog 24/7. I have issues with eating right and exercising. I have anxieties and fears and depression. I’m not special or above anyone, and I’m not immoral or below anyone either because of my line of work that I’ve chosen. So thank you everyone who supports me/has supported me in the past. I really do see you, and I appreciate you so much. It takes a lot to support someone, just as it takes a lot to present yourself to the internet. I know I may present myself as some untouchable, sexy freak of nature 🤣 but the truth is I’m just a messy human being trying to keep my shit together like everyone else. So anyways, getting embarrassed writing this, so welcome to my free page, and I hope you enjoy the content I put out for y’alls 🤣🥰
in ashucosfree, Leaked, Leaks, Nude, Onlyfans