Leaked mrspoindexter Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Leaked mrspoindexter Nude Leaks Onlyfans – (Swipe right) Busy morning for me. You should take care of t.. – (Swipe right) Busy morning for me. You should take care of this on my coffee break. Don’t be stingy! Anyway, mtgs all morning with major large suppliers of what I need for my new company. But you’d think (or maybe you wouldn’t) that if someone offered business to a company, they’d take it, and be happy to.
No, that’s not how it works. Every company will have its target market they sell to, and all their systems will be designed to fulfill that market. So like an Etsy craftsperson would not sell to Wal-Mart – it wouldn’t work.
So, on one hand I have huge national suppliers and I want their products for a New Market they don’t understand and have no idea how it works. I have to CONVINCE them “See the vision. This market is big, it’s growing, it fits your model, and it’s NOT SERVED”
And I do that with a lot of data and market intelligence and stuff.
So far my story is being bought, and with excitement. But because they’re large companies, they cannot just say “ok sounds good let’s start tomorrow” – it’s a buncha lawyers and compliance and corporate stuff to get everyone on board.
That’s my day so far!
in Leaked, Leaks, mrspoindexter, Nude, Onlyfans