Leaked siryn Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Leaked siryn Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Past 5 days…been dealing with trauma response from what I’.. – Past 5 days…been dealing with trauma response from what I’m believing to be another narcissistic person. 😔 It has effected me but also I’ve started invisalign for my mouth to improve my oral hygiene. So I lost weight and whatnot in a way it shouldn’t of happened. I was even starting to lose my confidence myself and I didn’t want to look myself. I pretty much trapped myself in a room. Missed the warm days that happened. It sucks. I’m pushing through slowly. I know what to do. Ive been through alot before but these levels of anxiety and responses are still new to me. Abuse of any kind isnt ok. If you see any signs of it that you or another might go through, see if you can help in some way. Do it. The victim will highly appreciate it