Leaked amatrixfetisha Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Leaked amatrixfetisha Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Hi, how are you? I have some horrible news and really great .. – Hi, how are you? I have some horrible news and really great news Bad news first- I broke my foot. Good news- my dog made it through therapy and I didn’t need a cast. Bruno is doing well, he’s very thankful to you for thinking of him. I tripped over my cat and broke the outer metatarsal on my left foot, but don’t need a cast or surgery. Just a cool boot like Mario. Including my feet literally 2 minutes after it happened and my left outer foot was already swelling and bruised. Not sure what this will mean and I am so very sorry. I did not know dog was going to need emergency surgery and I did not expect to break my foot. I do know I have about 6 to 8 weeks of mostly bed rest so I am excited to see how fat I can get. Ready? Let’s do it. Until I’m able to update regularly again, going to original price. Hope you stay and watch me grow 💜
in amatrixfetisha, Leaked, Leaks, Nude, Onlyfans