Leaked bb_blu Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Leaked bb_blu Nude Leaks Onlyfans – 🔸🔶 Sacral Chakra 🔶🔸 The 2nd chakra is associated with the fo.. – 🔸🔶 Sacral Chakra 🔶🔸 The 2nd chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral functions: * Emotions, feelings * Relationships, relating * Expression of sexuality, sensual pleasure * Feeling the outer and inner worlds * Creativity * Fantasies Yoga poses ✨ hold 30 seconds each 1st pic – Low lunge 2nd pic – standing knee to chest 3rd pic – happy bb pose Affirmations ✨ write 3x each I allow creativity to flow through me freely I respect my sexuality I release the need to overreact