Leaked drresa Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Leaked drresa Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Where was I in my sexologist journey 8 y*rs ago? Wow, where .. – Where was I in my sexologist journey 8 y*rs ago? Wow, where does the time go? I was living in sunny San Diego for 18 y*rs and loving every moment of it. I got my bachelor’s in Business Marketing at SDSU; I stripped to help me pay for college, bought property, traveled, and built EbyResa Striptease Lap Dance Lessons. San Diego living was a huge part of my 20s and 30’s. 10 y*rs ago, I was teaching striptease lap dance lessons daily, and I was ready for a change to be more credible. I decided to move to San Francisco in 2013 to get my doctorate in human sexuality at the Institute of Human Sexuality. Ted McIlvenna, the founder and owner, started IASHS in 1976. On August 22, 2018, Ted passed away at 86 years old. He will be remembered as a mentor, teacher, human rights activist, and keeping myself and others to learn and love the world of sexology. From day 1 until his death, he fought to believe in the process and keep speaking our truth about sexual health and sex education. Such an important part of our world is taboo, and we are all here from sexual intercourse and orgasm. Please keep talking, learning, sharing, and telling others about the world of sexology. (Blog Post coming soon about Ted and my journey getting my doctorate.) This was a big change for me, going back to school, new city, new friends, and trying to get my EbyResa biz up and surviving. My pug Bailey was almost 13 with arthritis; she was not using her legs to walk and became incontinent. I was her mom, sister, caretaker, and I would do it over again any time. 5 months after moving to SF, I put my little doggy down. One of the hardest choices to make, but I knew we had an amazing life together, and now she is running in heaven. After her passing, lots of changes happened. I became more spiritual, went to Burning Man, sold my house in San Diego, and became a minimalist. What is your story? xoxo, DR #drresa